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Penis Extender 101: How Do THey Work?

You are not alone in questioning how and if penile extenders actually work. The truth is that the science supports the results but it is not a easy process. With that said, here are the basics…

The specific instructions may vary from penile traction device to device, so be sure to read the directions which come with your penis stretcher thoroughly before you get started.

That said, most penis traction devices work like this:

Step 1: Start out by prepping.

One helpful tip is to do some jelqing (I’ll explain that in a little bit) to warm up. This will help to prevent injury and give you some extra traction (injuring yourself is unlikely, but you can never be too careful with your member). Then you may want to wrap a piece of gauze around your frenulum so that the extender won’t chafe against it (you may find this is unnecessary; it depends on the extender you buy as well as your comfort level).

Step 2: Insert your penis into the stretcher, and then secure the fastening points.

While you should be fastening the device just above the glans, make sure that you are comfortable. You can add a tad more space if you need to between the glans and the fastening point.

Step 3: Finish tightening and securing the device.

Ensure that you have a fit which is firm, but not constricting.

Step 4: Next, you will need to adjust the tension rods.

Make sure you are exerting  gentle tension. If you overdo it, you will risk injury, just as you would if you were stretching any other part of your body while working out. This is penis traction at work and don’t take traction systems lightly. They work and will increase the size of your penis but it does not happen overnight. Slow and steady wins.

Step 4: Consider applying heat.

Some guys say this gets them great results by helping with cell division. Personally, I find at the very least it can increase comfort, reduce soreness and improve penis extender safety overall.

Step 5: Find something to do.

You need to wear the extender for at least an hour a day. You can wear it for several, if you prefer. During this time, just go about your day. Watch TV, work, or do something else that is not too active. You can walk around with the extender on, but obviously you want to keep movement to a minimum so you don’t loosen the device or the traction force.

The Science Shows Penile
Traction Gives Lasting Results

This sounds too easy, do these devices really give your size permanent results?

So the science is definitely there. In fact, doctors sometimes recommend penis extenders to their patients instead of surgery or other invasive treatments.

Not only did researchers in the studies above find that penis extenders worked, but they also discovered that patients tolerated them well and that they were safe to use for both flaccid length and erect length and girth.

Note that for a penis stretcher to work, you must buy a quality product and you must use it correctly.

You must be willing to stick with it over a period of months for real penis length gains. Every guy I’ve met who tried a penis extender and didn’t get results was either using a crappy product or gave up way too early. Don’t do that to yourself or your money.

When you are buying a device, look for clinical studies and choose a product that comes with a satisfaction guarantee. There are at least 3 clinically proven, comfortable-to-wear, extenders/stretchers available to order that offer money-back guarantees.

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